Foxtrot on Finding Nemo
2003-08-04 16:40:40.700643+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments
Foxtrot on the
inspirations for kids going into computer animation, looking at
the specific instance of Pixar and Finding
2003-08-04 16:40:40.700643+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments
Foxtrot on the
inspirations for kids going into computer animation, looking at
the specific instance of Pixar and Finding
[ related topics: Pixar Children and growing up Animation Movies Graphics ]
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Foxtrot on Finding Nemo made: 2003-08-04 22:11:15.47332+00 by: Pete
Huh? I'm missing something here...
#Comment Re: Foxtrot on Finding Nemo made: 2003-08-04 22:22:17.913472+00 by: Dan Lyke
Damn: It'd help if I got the URL right.
#Comment Re: Foxtrot on Finding Nemo made: 2003-08-05 12:10:04.842075+00 by: debrahyde
I've been meaning to ask forever and a day. My daughter's been so taken by Pixar since the days of Bug's Life that she decided she wants to become an animator. I suppose we should get some animation software for her to tool around with at home and maybe some private art lessons in cartooning, but I told her I'd ask you this: What's it take to get into an animation job these days? Especially at Pixar? Granted, her adulthood is several years away, but she's already looking at the possibility of art school after high school. She's pretty serious about her dream, so time for mom to swallow her worries about competitive arts pedagogy and help the kid pursue.