Mix, Rip, Burn
2003-08-19 01:12:17.824626+00 by
Dan Lyke
Okay, I'm finally in the process of organizing and ripping CDs so that I might actually start to listen to some of these gazillion discs that I've paid for. And some I haven't paid for, I'm currently enjoying the "Listen" album from the harmonica pocket which one of the band (I assume) handed to me at Burning Man; but if I actually start listening to music again, I think it's worth buying in that smooth-jazz cocktail music kinda cool bouncy feeling vein.
For various reasons, I'm doing some ripping on my Windows box, and I'll also want playback on Windows. Under Linux
this stuff is easy, I use Grip and XMMS for playback. XP doesn't have Ogg Vorbis support natively, so I'm currently using FreeRIP which is ad supported (okay, although I wish ad supported software had ads for products I'd actually want), lacks decent tab navigation when entering track information (yes, the first few disks I've ripped are missing from both FreeDB and Gracenote, so I foresee a lot of data entry), and QCD Player with the "Simple in silver (remixed)" skin, which is okay for me, but will be confusing as hell if I drop it on Charlene's machine.
Surely Windows is up to contemporary professional standards on this matter: Just a simple set of tools with standard widgets that allow fast data entry and expose the critical playback tools without hiding it all behind graphics that appeal to adolescent males? Anyone?
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comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Mix, Rip, Burn made: 2003-08-19 01:57:10.364442+00 by:
In by book, EAC - http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/ - is by far the greatest tool under Windows. It
supports external applications for compression (I use LAME), you can control the number of
compression threads (to really load that dual CPU), it makes extra efforts to recover input errors,
and has a clean interface.
As postcardware, you can't beat the price...
Although officially not supported, I have run two EACs running with dual DVDs (or CDs).
I am about a third through my CD library - 50GB so far, and it is great.
Now, if I could just find an iTunes like browser/player for Linux, which houses my collection...
-- Harald
#Comment Re: Mix, Rip, Burn made: 2003-08-19 03:29:20.280664+00 by:
CDex, that's all, nothing else.
#Comment Re: Mix, Rip, Burn made: 2003-08-19 03:45:40.519942+00 by:
Diane Reese
We use CDex here, too.
#Comment Re: [Entry #6445] Mix, Rip, Burn made: 2003-08-19 08:56:04.154367+00 by:
Since starting to use Linux on a semi-regular basis, I found Grip and XMMS
to be roughly comparable to the the combo I'd been using on Windows for
CDEx (http://cdexos.sourceforge.net/) and Winamp - 2.x, not 3.x
(http://classic.winamp.com/), which is dog slow on my machine, both support
Ogg Vorbis out of the box, as it were.
Not sure what "data entry" you're looking for.
#Comment Re: Mix, Rip, Burn made: 2003-08-19 14:58:41.982879+00 by:
When I used Windows full time, I always used CDex. It looks like almost
everyone here did as well.
#Comment Re: Mix, Rip, Burn made: 2003-08-19 15:53:14.205106+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Wonderful. Nice to have the field narrowed down like that.
Shawn, data-entry wise, I haven't yet found the shortcut keys to let me enter all the track information into FreeRIP without my hands leaving the keyboard. Of the many disks I ripped yesterday, only a King Missile
compilation and the second CD of a gospel set had available data, and I'd guess that the gospel set data was what I'd entered last time I'd played with digitizing my library.
It'll get easier when I get back to the dusty parts of my collection, lots of classic rock there.
#Comment Re: Mix, Rip, Burn made: 2003-08-19 16:25:24.981304+00 by:
Late comment here: I am NOT in the CDex camp simply because I hadn't heard of it before this. But I sympathize with wanting to find a simple, direct, robust interface without all the graphical bells and whistles. ALSO, I may be a peculiar user; I am ripping tracks strictly to make my own mix CDs, I do not store music files on my computer for playback there because ... well, I just don't, and I don't like the assumption built into many of these programs that MP3 data is the "final destination" for this audio and therefore you want to make huge and elaborate playlists and catalogs of your files. My files are transient and my playlist only exists until the disk is burned.
Anyway. I use a shareware program called Audiograbber which has one of the most direct interfaces I've ever seen for ripping. I don't have URLs (I'm not at the computer with the tools), but Google should do the right thing. It also is good for balancing/normalizing volume levels once you realize one undocumented fact: Normalize here is a least-common-denominator thing; you must normalize to the quietest track in the playlist, because it will not boost a track above a certain amount (due to clipping, I'd imagine; an overboosted track sounds horrible).
For burning, I use the standard Roxio CD Creator that is packaged with just about every drive known. It knows my hardware and uses its underrun protections and other features, and seems to be well-organized enough despite a few glitches with dragging and dropping tracks.
I also keep a wonderful little Acoustica program for converting MP3s to WAVs, something I end up doing with any files I scavenged from the web. I tested seven MP3 converters by trying to convert a large batch of MP3s of dubious pedigree, some containing minor errors and such. The Acoustica plugin (it acts like one - it insinuates itself into your Windows menus as an MP3 handler app) was the only one to successfully convert the entire lot.
#Comment Re: [Entry #6445] Re: Mix, Rip, Burn made: 2003-08-19 20:36:04.204774+00 by:
On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 15:56:03 +0000 (UTC), Dan Lyke wrote:
> data-entry wise, I haven't yet found the shortcut keys to let me enter all the
> track information ... without my hands leaving the keyboard.
I almost never wind up with a CD that's not in CDDB, so don't generally
need this. But I do seem to vaguely remember something about recent UI
changes making it easier to do this - something like hitting :enter: saved
the current track text and moved down to the next, already
highlighted/selected for editing. I remember it being slightly annoying in
situations where I didn't want/expect that behavior.
> I don't like the assumption built into many of these programs that
> MP3 data is the "final destination" for this audio and therefore you want to
> make huge and elaborate playlists
CDEx comes with a drop-down list for selecting MP3 (using Lame or Windows),
MP2, VQF, AAC, WMA, Xing, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, or external encoders. It makes
simple playlists (no urls), but only if you check the box. It's a GUI
interface, but I think it's pretty clean and straightforward.