Will Hollywood get the clue?
2003-08-19 09:16:03.338937+00 by
Snipped from Lockergnome: Hollywood is feeling the pressure of the
instant review, fueled by modern technology. [Mostly] youngsters are text-messaging
their friends and word of mouth is spreading at a rate that the studios
call "alarming". The real answer actually shows up in the last line: make
good movies.
I think this is just another example of something that I've been saying
over the last few years: Technology has been increasing at high-speed but
socially we haven't kept pace with it. I think what we're finally starting
to see the social side catch up.
The article also reminds me of an observation - well, more a complaint,
really - my aunt made recently. Going off on teenagers in general, she was
lamenting how her 17 year-old daughter (and her friends) doesn't
plan anything - or, more specifically, doesn't stick to the
plan. She pointed out how, since she and all her friends have cell phones,
"the plan" is more a fluid, evolving thing than something that can be
relied on [by those outside the loop].
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Will Hollywood get the clue? made: 2003-08-19 18:24:26.887113+00 by:
Dan Lyke
One of the rules of thumb I learned at Pixar was that a movie with a Wednesday opening would be better than one with a Friday opening, because the earlier release would leave a few days for the word to get around, where the late one meant that those going to the show would be relying entirely on advertising.
I just read Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George Bush Presidential, and then this morning I run across a link to News Bias Explored, which claims:
1. More than half of the stories relied on routine channels (this includes the majority of single-source stories and the majority of primary sources for multiple-source stories). 2. Nearly one half of routine channels were U.S. Officials (92% of whom were Executive Branch Officials). This meant that from 1949-1969, a substantial majority of stories in the two most influential newspapers in the country came from the Officiall White House Spokesmen. One-third of all reports were printed without any follow up sources.
Couple this with the notion that a critic is going to become better known for praising movies, because then the critic's name will show up in ads with the quotes, and it's a damned good thing that we're starting to get some real customer communication about products going.
Now if we can just raise coverage in the next election out of the manufactured news of popular journalism and up to the standards of instant messaging we'll have made some real progress.
#Comment Re: [Entry #6447] Re: Will Hollywood get the clue? made: 2003-08-19 20:36:04.346682+00 by:
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