Canyon De Chelly
2003-09-16 23:22:07.310282+00 by

Hiking along the top of
Canyon De Chelly on top and in the middle of lots of rock, was this interesting litte pond in solid rock. Not sure why it was there.. not much rain lately, yet there it was, Mother Nature teasing us.
[ related topics:
Photography Nature and environment
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Canyon De Chelly made: 2003-09-17 00:47:09.943215+00 by:
Canyon De Chelly is an amazing place. I have some pics from a trip there in the 80's at . We hired a local for a day-long private tour through the canyon (since our primary reason for being there was photography)
#Comment Re: [Entry #6535] Canyon De Chelly made: 2003-09-17 06:11:03.724199+00 by:
meuon, your link urls are broken. This one has three slashes after the TLD
and the previous entry has two.
Also... um... your server appears to be hacked. I was getting an Internal
Server Error trying to view the pics (with corrected urls). But pulling up
your domain displays some splash screen about the PsychoPhobia Crew.
#Comment Re: Canyon De Chelly made: 2003-09-17 07:14:58.225272+00 by:
Damn Script Kids. Not sure how they got in (yet). - Doing 3am cleanup.
#Comment Re: Canyon De Chelly made: 2003-09-17 13:18:58.89167+00 by:
OK.. semi-fixed..