Attention Democrats
2003-10-07 22:52:31.149901+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Sigh. Those wacky Republicans are at it again. This was at the City College of San Francisco entrance over diagonal from The Metreon
on Fourth and Mission.
2003-10-07 22:52:31.149901+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Sigh. Those wacky Republicans are at it again. This was at the City College of San Francisco entrance over diagonal from The Metreon
on Fourth and Mission.
[ related topics: Politics Photography Bay Area ]
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Attention Democrats made: 2003-10-08 14:06:19.09515+00 by: petronius
Now, if 320 Clementine street were actually 100 feet under the Bay, I would be really worried.
#Comment Re: Attention Democrats made: 2003-10-09 03:00:58.274965+00 by: Larry Burton
The only thing that bothers me about this is that there should be another one for Republicans telling them that polling place has really been moved to a different location. No since just culling out the Democrats dumb enough to fall for this from voting. Anyone that is gullible enough to fall for something like this should be prevented from voting.