not Friendster
2003-12-30 16:54:10.755763+00 by
Dan Lyke
I still haven't found value in Friendster
, but a few folks have obviously found value in it, and many are frustrated that Friendster
keeps subverting some of the mechanisms that thy've ben using to bypass the lack of grouping capabilities. If you're looking for alternatives, Kelly passed along not Friendster.
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#Comment Re: not Friendster made: 2003-12-31 18:17:36.205083+00 by:
I'd like some links to substantive criticism of Friendster, if anyone can provide a few. By substantive I mean "not just from people who have been burned by fakery, who can't get the dates they hoped they were going to get, etc."
I've been playing around with Google a bit and I've seen some critiques of the inevitable and impending commercialization of the service, but very few real comments on a sociological level, i.e. we have this huge mass of people so desperate for a way to CONNECT that they put faith in what most of them have to admit, in their more self-aware moments, is a flawed attempt to do so. There's something in that which frightens me.
#Comment Re: not Friendster made: 2003-12-31 19:52:43.033735+00 by:
Dan Lyke
I think the most substantive critiques of Friendster
are by people who have created fictional entities in an effort to make connections. I got a friend request from someone claiming to be "Burning Man", answering that got me a lot of like-minded people, of course until that name got killed for being fictional. Similarly, there was a "North Bay" entity for a while.
The issues with Friendster
's tight control over fictional entities is that they don't have a mechanism to replace that, to offer links between people that are other than social.
#Comment Re: not Friendster made: 2004-01-05 19:57:29.931138+00 by:
I just added Jesus as my friend. He should be all of our friends.
Actually, other than being able to contact an ex-girlfriend, I've found the site usless. Of course, maybe that's because I've got a ladyfriend already.