2004-02-23 18:27:26.311416+00 by
Dan Lyke
The topic of /. thread on virtual worlds nominally revolved around There, with lots of mention of Second Life as an extremely customizeable world, but there was a reference to http://www.3d-sexgames.com/ which looked interesting because the screen shots look like these folks are actually doing stuff with avatar to NPC
interaction that isn't (solely) combat. I'll have to install their demo plug-in to see where they're taking the technology, but since new tech is driven by porn this might be the beginning of the tipping point on virtual worlds.
[ related topics:
Erotic Games Sexual Culture Invention and Design Graphics
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: made: 2004-02-23 22:53:54.311308+00 by:
I remember these type of conversations with the OuterWorlds folks.. Makes me wonder what
Derek is up to these days..
#Comment Re: made: 2004-02-24 08:01:55.222503+00 by:
Wow, it's been awhile since I looked at this technology. There looks very cool, but they require IE
in order to sign up (free trial link). Second Life doesn't look as visually attractive (although that could just be marketing) and they have an interesting pay model: If I'm reading it correctly, the Basic plan is a one-time charge of only $10 and you can log on as much as you want.
There will be a tax (recurring fee) assessed on land you acquire, except for land you were granted as part of one of the regular [recurring] premium plans. Hmmm... I wonder if there are penalties built into the game rules for logging out and leaving your avatar on land you don't "own"?