Flutterby™! : Oral sex may cause cancer?

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Oral sex may cause cancer?

2004-03-04 19:14:10.560844+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments

The headline screams: Research: oral sex may result in cancer. Violet Blue has the lowdown on a possible link between HPV and oral cancer, but the short answer is: It's related to HPV, chances are you've already got it, don't worry, be happy.

(Speaking of which, does anyone else find it slightly disturbing to run across swingers proudly proclaiming "100% disease free" who seem to be completely ignorant about HPV? Not that it's necessarily reason to alter your behavior, but anyone who's had any number of sexual partners claiming that status is either ignorant or lying.)

[ related topics: Sexual Culture Health ]

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#Comment Re: Oral sex may cause cancer? made: 2004-03-09 19:31:52.006018+00 by: Tim Maddog

Religious fundamentalists in government office may produce propaganda (recently being increasingly outsourced to India) whose desired effect is to instill fear of unapproved "perversions" (see: alcohol, nicotine) into the public mind? Can you say "farce"?

- Tim Maddog
(first time visitor, enjoying the site so far)