Spam reprisals?
2004-03-19 20:00:46.272176+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
I've turned off the referrer tracking for individual entries because there were only a few legit entries in the huge maze of syndicators (which I'm okay with) and referrer spammers (which I'm not). But one of the things that struck me is that I had no real reprisal against the schmucks who were spamming, putting them on a "wall of shame" just gives them more hits.
I realized that this is a place I might actually agree to use filtering software, that my web browser could give me a "these people are assholes, don't ever buy from them" if I tried to go to a web site that advertised that way. Short of a tactical team operating above the law which left enough blood at the scene of the reprisals to act as a deterrent, anyone got a better way to deal with those who abuse our trust?