Ken Brown is a Big Fat Idiot
2004-06-09 16:42:06.621597+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
I've avoided this largely because I think it's too esoteric for Flutterby readers (and yes, I say that with the knowledge that I was just talking about making your own CPU core...), or that those readers who care find this on other sources, like /., but in the current environment of Microsoft astroturfing and SCO attempts to fleece investors there's a lot of FUD flying around about Linux.
One particularly egregious example of late has been the works of one "Kenneth Brown" of an organization calling itself the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution (because "Microsoft supported astroturfing PR agency" was a little too "in your face"), who's been going around interviewing various computing luminaries for an alleged forthcoming book on open source, and then completely misrepresenting what they've said. In particular, there's been an open spat between Andy Tannenbaum and Ken Brown that's gone back and forth a few ways. Mark's rundown of the situation, Ken Brown is a Big Fat Idiot, sums up the current state of the exchange.