Boom Truck
2004-07-11 13:17:42.547473+00 by meuon 2 comments

Soon, there will a heck of a deck initiation party..
2004-07-11 13:17:42.547473+00 by meuon 2 comments
Soon, there will a heck of a deck initiation party..
[ related topics: Photography Invention and Design Work, productivity and environment Chattanooga Machinery Real Estate ]
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#Comment Re: made: 2004-07-12 03:17:20.287019+00 by: topspin
Given that driveway, that's one helluva crane crew. Invite those gentlemen to the party, meuon. I'd be honored to drink a beer with them.
The only suprising thing about the photos is that you're not the guy with the welder's mask on.....
#Comment Re: made: 2004-07-12 11:56:12.010784+00 by: meuon
I get to weld the brackets for the joists, and a few other minor things. But Kurt was a far better welder than I am. Looking at his joints, they don't bead, they flow, and when welding that big of stuff, that's pretty cool.