Doom 3
2004-08-08 16:46:48.668131+00 by
Dan Lyke
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#Comment Re: made: 2004-08-08 18:12:57.053182+00 by:
Do you remember: leaving the Dr's building at 2am, after playing Doom for a few hours, and when the elevator doors opened, we both looked left-right in the 'vator.. and realized we had to delete Doom off of our machines
#Comment Re: made: 2004-08-11 01:21:56.50249+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Yep, that's exactly the feeling of the new one. Forest
is with us this week, so I'll probably be so sick of video games by the end of it that I'll never want to look at a monitor again, but I actually considered buying it 'cause it's pretty compelling in that creepy kind of way.
And I'm shutting down the "idrama" mailing list, and in the process of that have been asked by one person to write a "why I no longer care" letter; Doom 3
is a great example of part of what works.