Audio tools
2004-08-16 22:07:10.505022+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Jay might know this: After hanging out with the folks from The Linux Show for a week, and then hearing Adam Curry rant about the lack of good software for "audioblogging"[mp3], although I'm not terribly excited about the talk format (If you thought unedited typed braindumps were bad...) there's a need (of somesort) for a tool that:
- Outputs to a format that can easily be streamed or compressed.
- Allows easy fade-in/out from pre-recorded songs and clips, both from a playlist (play my intro song, play then fade to my first commercial break, etc.) and from a more random-access sound effects type library.
- Manages multiple audio sources including mics and internet streams.
- Has some sort of checkpointing and skip back, maybe with a standard 3-5 second audio delay, as I asked about ages ago for recording spoken prose.