Other magazine
2004-08-31 20:00:12.828057+00 by
Dan Lyke
Wait! How have I missed this? Six issues, which implies two years? SF Gate looks at Charlie Anders and Annalee Newitz's venture called Other magazine. The website is at http://www.othermag.org/, and I'm subscribing right now.
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#Comment SF Gate squints in the wrong direction and sees... made: 2004-08-31 22:06:22.973001+00 by:
Is it OK if I stop reading when they start flaunting their ignorance? "I can't think of another magazine that would publish science fiction and science in the same issue." (Actually, I was trying to be fair. I read past the first few idiocies to get to this one.)
#Comment Re: made: 2004-08-31 22:15:34.147095+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Ow. Okay, I just saw the two folks involved and subscribed. I can think of a whole lot of magazines that publish science fiction and science in the same issue, in fact I think it was David J. Thompson of the long late and lamented Micro Cornucopia
who said "we publish a lot more science fiction than we'd like to".