Who is...?
2004-09-20 15:33:02.678238+00 by
Dan Lyke
A while ago (like, a few years), Ziffle gave me a "John Galt is coming" bumper sticker. This yesterday I walked out of Bogie's
, the place we had breakfast (the hike got cancelled 'cause we had the first rain of fall and I hike with a bunch of wusses), towards my car, and heard "Who is John Galt?" from some people who I thought should know. Thanks, Ziffle!
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Objectivism Dan's Life
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#Comment Re: made: 2004-09-20 16:24:00.880944+00 by:
Memories.. remember which Ayn Rand fanatic used 'dagny' as the password to his servers on the internet, and wondered why he got hacked? Good ideas in those books (Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead) , but they quickly became ideological masterbation to me. Still, these should be 'required reading' for any self aware intelligent human.
Heard a neat word Saturday: Churchianity