Chimp make Chump of Diebold
2004-09-25 14:23:12.072073+00 by meuon 2 comments
The article states that a chimp can bypass the Diebold e-voting system. Scary to me is that they are apparently using a generic MS-os and Access MDB files to store the records. Apparently, you can break out to Windows and run things fairly easily. If there was ever a reason for a simple single purpose computer, that simply logged voter choices to a log file with running CRC/hash/checksum on the file, this would be it. I'll bet getting "unfettered access to the machine" is not that hard. A real system would be very hard (nothing is impossible) to tamper with even with "unfettered access to the machine". I really like: ""We probably have the most secure system in the nation," - Laughing... Sounds like a call to hackers and phreaks. I predict that there will be some blatent and obvious errors introduced into actual elections like 500k voters in a 100k population town.. all voting for "None of the above".