Photo manager update
2005-01-03 19:23:37.046627+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Just so you know I haven't forgotten it, and because I need to convince myself I'm making progress: The photo manager is moving forward. Slowly.
Over the break I tore it apart, and have reconstructed it so that I have something that's remarkably similar to my original view: Three panes, the left has "albums" that include a view of the filesystem, categories for the various links, and whatever user defined categories you wish. The middle has a list of image names, the right has image details. Images can be multiply selected, and comments and other meta information can span multiple images. The right two are in a notebook pane, and I'll be moving in my map browser into another pane in that notebook shortly.
I've got a configuration wizard in, and I'm working on XML in and out so that I can share data in between machines.
I'm at the stage where I could really use two collaborators:
- Someone who codes. I'm not quite ready to hand it off to my first stage of users as there's a bunch of hacking necessary to get it installed and running and I'm trying to make a list of what's necessary to actually use it; someone else getting it running and writing that code would rock.
- Someone who can do icons and other simple art.
But I'm starting to use it for finding stuff, which I think is a great start.