2005-01-11 19:50:18.28864+00 by Dan Lyke 4 comments
Shades of Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat
: Fast food restaurant robber known as "roofman" escapes from prison, lives in a Toys-R-Us, gracefully concedes defeat when captured because his girlfriend, one Leigh Wainscott, turned him in:
"He was very sad and humbled and felt terrible that he had to deceive us," Wainscott said. "He encouraged me and told me to be strong and to do the things we talked about doing. He wasn't upset."
"I don't hate him," she said. "I'm disappointed and confused. I don't know whether to smack him or hug him."
Manchester also got to talk to his mother after the arrest.
Explaining his capture, he told her, "Mom, I kind of lost focus," she recalled Monday.