Scrambled Eggs
2005-02-09 17:49:00.04331+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Okay, one more distraction, then I'll stop jumping from work to other stuff and back and be able to focus today. For quite a while, the Sunday morning hikers have agreed that Marvin's in Novato, California
is the best breakfast place we've been to. And we've known that a lot of it had to be kitchen technique; even scrambled eggs there were better. This Sunday we sat at the counter and got to watch the cooks at work, and I'm blown away by the level of communication that happens in that small kitchen, but I also discovered their secret for why their scrambled eggs are so good: a milkshake blender.
Yesterday I was looking for a little more for breakfast, and realized that our Oster blender came with the metal pitcher and warped disk blade, so I used that to prep the eggs (and don't be shy about beating them 'til they froth a lot), tossed them into a hot well greased pan, let them sit 20 seconds or so, beat vigorously and scraped the bottom with a wooden paddle for 10 or 15, gave it another few of sitting, beat once more, then turned down the heat and let set.
That's definitely the way to do eggs. It's a bit tough to do omelettes that way, because you end up with a thicker egg mass, but I also discovered the trick Marvin's uses there: Rather than trying to fold the omelette in the pan, fold it as you slide it out, ending up with the layer mostly upside down. I'd never noticed before that it wasn't a conventional folded omelette, and my guess is that people are too busy noticing the texture to notice the lack of full wrap.