About about.com
2005-02-19 19:07:06.738788+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
New York Times pays $820,000 each for 500 weblogs with annoying frame-based nav-bar-stealing user interfaces as it buys About.com.
So that brings me to a few musings on search engines. I played a little bit with the MSN Search, and I think it's worse for my purposes than Google, but it did show me why people like Mark Cuban keep investing in search companies: There are lots of ways to improve the search experience.
So, a suggestion: How about the ability to exclude URLs from searches. Not just "-site:...", but a wholesale list. Two, actually. One is sites I never want to see, the aforementioned About.com falls into that class. The second is "spare me the obvious", just for this search let me keep Amazon and IMDB and the like off the list so I don't have to make my way to page 3 to find the good stuff.