ACME mapper
2005-04-14 15:33:51.445218+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
It's a damned good thing I'm psyched about my work today, otherwise I'd be tempted to slack a bit and write a cached native Python version of . Takes a lattitude, longitude (or UTM coordinates) and scale factor and serves you up an HTML table with images sourced from TerraServer-USA, topo maps or satellite pictures. Much better coverage of the areas I'm interested in than Google Maps satellite view feature, and no "when's my freakin' image gonna load already, or will it?" of WorldWind. For instance, satellite imagery of the house I grew up in and house of my high school years, a topo of the town we're visiting in Alaska this summer, the put-in on the Ocoee (and I vaguely remember giving them permission, but it's kinda cool to run across your own work, check out all of my photos on this Ocoee page!) and where I'm sitting right now.