2005-05-02 15:22:48.15372+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
"Since you guys are supposedly here for the best interest of me, then wouldn't you all look at that fact that it'd be more dangerous for me to have the baby than to have an abortion?" she asked. Alvarez called that "a good point."
It seems that she's under the care of the Florida Department of Children & Families and has run afoul of some activists. Hopefully some less activist judges (funny, you don't hear the usual "activist judges" crowd protesting this one...) will get ahold of this in the context of 743.065:
(1) An unwed pregnant minor may consent to the performance of medical or surgical care or services relating to her pregnancy by a hospital or clinic or by a physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, and such consent is valid and binding as if she had achieved her majority.
(2) An unwed minor mother may consent to the performance of medical or surgical care or services for her child by a hospital or clinic or by a physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, and such consent is valid and binding as if she had achieved her majority.
(3) Nothing in this act shall affect the provisions of s. 390.0111.
(Caveat: I've only skimmed 390.0111, and, more importantly, I'm not sure what parts of that are currently under injunction, but it looks pretty cut and dried to me.)