Secret Places
2005-05-11 20:04:11.485871+00 by
Dan Lyke
From a San Francisco Bay Guardian article about taggging along on one of his expeditions: Part of Trevor Paglen's website is a section called Secret Places, Secret Wars, in which he talks about exploring the fringes of the super-secret military presence in the U.S., including things like taking pictures of a fully submersible dry-dock, some notes and history on the "Blackbird" family of aircraft, and a few remarks on extreme telephotography. Nothing cosmically revelatory here (in fact I think I'd be disturbed if there were), but I think it'd be fun to see one of his lectures.
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Photography Aviation California Culture Cool Technology Military
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#Comment Re: made: 2005-05-11 21:03:08.166153+00 by:
Dan Lyke
If you like that sort of thing, you'll like The Hunt For 928, about tracking down a 30 year old A-12 crash. From Bluefire, lots of cool stuff about Area 51
And and
My dad used to work for a company called "ESL", and might be interested in some notes on an ESL antenna test site.
And maybe I can convince the hiking crowd to find or on Mount Tam
#Comment Re: made: 2005-05-12 11:14:28.88721+00 by:
As I look at all of these pics and stories, They are all the things I have known about for years, in some cases, since childhood. So I have to wonder, what is really going on that is secret. Hmm...
#Comment Re: made: 2005-05-12 12:36:59.788558+00 by:
I've always wondered if the Feds encourage interest in Area 51 to distract attention from Area 52, just up the road, where the REAL secret stuff goes on, like warp-drive studies, chrono-synplastic infidubulae, or the long-rumored Project TicTok. And whatever did happen to the Aurora?