Link dump
2005-05-27 15:52:59.800195+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments
A number of blatantly stolen links:
- Mark had a link to Fortune on the DIY economy, with some stuff on small sacle manufacturing that seemed pertinent in light of the publishing on demand discussion.
- Mark's entry also linked to Julie Leung talking about books on pioneer life and complaining that the Little House were perhaps a bit sanitized. Maybe she's confusing the books with the TV show? I remember at least two situations in which a good number of people were likely to die from lack of food (the long winter and the locust plague) and another involving a woman about to stab her husband with a knife... Might be a good time to re-read 'em.
- In responding to the Flutterby link to odd laws, Dave pointed to the Minnesota bans on fornication (a misdemeanor) and sodomy, the latter punishable by not more than one year in jail or $3,000.