2005-06-21 18:43:10.948572+00 by Dan Lyke 4 comments
Windows has SP2, which has currently reduced the XP side of my laptop to a blithering mass of complaints and instabilities (Automatic Update keeps presenting me with what it claims is KB888162, but my symptoms don't have anything to do with what it says on the web page...). The Mac won't play my music collection. But if I want to find something to scream at Linux about, I have to go out of my way to find it.
So if your Linux machines are feeling left out because you're giving all of your negative attention to your other computers, there's finally a reason to get frustrated with Linux
: Bastet, or Bastard Tetris
, with a special algorithm to choose the the worst possible block sequence for you, is currently Linux
only, although others have incorporated the algorithm into versions which run on other platforms.