Precode Hollywood
2005-06-23 14:43:00.760472+00 by ziffle 1 comments
I remember as a child seeing all the black and white movies on the (three channels only) television. I was entranced by some (Fountainhead) and wowed by others (Tarzan and His Mate) and always wondered how there could be so few really good ones.
In my heart I yearn for real active dialogue and reality or an opinion from those movies. Once in a while I saw one and I liked it.
During the 60's and early 70's they lightened up , showing lots of nudity, drugs, 'share your partner', stuff. I thought how cool we finally reached a point of truth; that of course left out the problem of 'mass mind think' which permeated the scripts and still does. They have gone so far, lately to remove all the scenes of nudity and drugs from many of the movies, so we are 'protected' no doubt.
But I never understood what had happened. Was there ever a really free moment in movie making, free of political correctness, and censorship, and reflected real American optimism and energy?
Turns out there was. The period just after sound came to the movies circa 1929 and before the 'movie 'code was implemented in 1934 was a glorious time.
In 1934 they implemented a code that said that traditional standards (marriage) and mores (one sex partner) and respect for authority (the government and churchs must be respected) and outcomes (a movie must not show immorality positively).
But before this time, now referred to a 'Pre-Code' there was for a brief moment a flowering of ideas and expression. I am reading a great book -- "Complicated Women : Sex and Power in Pre-Code Hollywood" which chronicles all this. Recommended.
I saw one of the movies they talk about - 'Design for Living' where Gary cooper and his friend both love the same girl who loves both of them, and they both sleep with her, and they finally work it out. This, my friend, is known as 'polyamory' today, certainly not seen on our screens lately, eh?
Another movie is where a naked leading lady comes out from behind a giant marijuana leaf - nice touch! I have not seen it yet.
Of course 'Tarzan and His Mate' is Pre-Code and the 'Mate' swims completely naked -- enshrined forever in the hearts of millions of Americans - it was shown all over the country (a few places clipped the nude scenes even then).
All of this without 'political correctness' of course.
In my heart if feels good to know there was moment when life was good and alive and freedom to make the movie you want was possible; looking at alternatives with a free mind is how I see it.
And when I see those movies or read that book I am a child again, and my heart is open and free. Where did our counrty go? Whats with all these do-gooders anyway? Where is the promise of America today?