2005-08-05 19:37:42.818781+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Went out last night to see Batman Begins. A perfectly watchable movie, a characterization that falls in a different place than either the dark knight or high camp. Better than I expected, but not spectacular, the angst and emotion that could come from a superhero story, even (or perhaps especially) this one, were downplayed for the action.
One of the teasers beforehand was for Dukes of Hazzard. I admit, I enjoyed the few times I saw the TV show when I was a kid, and then when I moved to Chattanooga I realized that it wasn't so much a satire as a documentary, and it was even better. So, against all evidence, I held out a little hope for the movie.
However, it seems that Dukes of Hazzard is one of those movies that's going to be fun because of the reviews. Every once in a while there's the chance for a reviewer to really cut loose. Mick LaSalle says "The filmmakers couldn't buy a laugh in a burning poppy field." Rotten Tomatoes on Dukes of Hazzard has more if you're really a glutton for punishment.