Indiana assisted reproduction law
2005-10-05 13:54:25.153708+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
On the one hand, I'm not a great fan of the idea of fertility treatments, and I think a lot of people who do become parents shouldn't. On the other hand, I'm not sure I can get behind this proposed Indiana legislation that would make it illegal for unmarried people to use "assisted reproduction", and require that the prospective parents also provide to a court:
(6) Personal information about each intended parent, including the following:
(B) Values.
(C) Relationships.
(D) Education.
(E) Emplyment and income.
(F) Hobbies and talents.
(10) A description of the family lifestyle of the intended parents, include a description of individual participation in faith-based or church activities, hobbies, and othe rinterests.
Maybe this is just sour grapes. Maybe this is me saying "restrictions on child-bearing are fine if the rules match my values", but I shudder at this level of government intrusion into personal life, especially when the intrusion is so clearly intended not to raise the living standard of the prospective child, but to enforce a specific set of stated goals and values onto the prospective parents.