Visual Studio rots the mind
2005-10-27 01:20:00.706128+00 by
Dan Lyke
Charles Petzold asks "Does Visual Studio Rot The Mind?" and, unsurprisingly, answers "yes". There's a lot more that could be said here, but thank the deities of your choice that I've been productive today and that I'm not working under Windows, so I'll leave y'all to figure it out yourselves.
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Microsoft Work, productivity and environment
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#Comment Re: made: 2005-10-27 15:47:21.912668+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Mark's comments on this essay are worth a read.
#Comment Re: made: 2005-10-27 17:09:38.32657+00 by:
Great article! I've stepped far enough away from writing code that I haven't been forced to deal with this. The last time was in 1997 when Microsoft started changing DirectX so fast that Watcom couldn't keep up. You had to start using Visual Studio to work with the latest version of DirectX (usually a beta).
And the struggle with Visual Basic resonates with me. The last "real" code I wrote was a VBA script that works inside ESRI ArcView to produce contiguous cartograms. The entire "program" lives inside the method attached to one command button labelled "START".
Fortunately, most of the code I worry about can be done as command-line 32-bit programs and DJGPP provides an excellent environment that stays well out of the way...