Linux rocks!
2005-12-23 20:31:16.863558+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
After fighting with the network card and stupid printer drivers on Windows XP (Printer works fine under Windows 98 on Charlene's laptop, but under XP on the desktop we couldn't get the right combination of stuff going to get good photos), I broke down and installed Gnome to give Charlene a reasonable environment on the desktop machine. She'd previously had a desktop Linux machine on which she'd used, but had gone back to Windows when she got her laptop. With Nautilus and GnomePhotoPrinter she's been cranking through the old images, printing lots of stuff, and in conjunction with the aforementioned and TuxPaint to doodle out some icons for her developmentally disabled brother I think she might actually get to the "can we put Linux
on the laptop?" stage pretty soon.
My dad's been enjoying Suse, and... well... I just need to break it to the rat boys that I'm not going to keep a Windows machine around for games any longer, if they want me to play something with 'em it has to run under Linux.