2006-01-27 15:41:48.770605+00 by
Dan Lyke
When Elf posted his results from this quiz, I read the text as "Elf Skin Flogger" and said "whoah, I gotta get me one of those". Alas, further perusal revealed "Elk Skin". Anyway:

You're a rabbit fur flogger! You're so soft and
fluffy and cute - but if wielded with
sufficient force, you can still make an
impact that will be remembered.
What Type of Flogger Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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#Comment Re: made: 2006-01-27 15:58:13.013372+00 by:
I'm a Braided Australian Cat.....
#Comment Re: made: 2006-01-27 16:31:48.167029+00 by:
Rabbit fur flogger. What's Charlene?
#Comment Re: made: 2006-01-27 19:44:46.553177+00 by:
Braided Australian Cat - But they don't have 'Chain Mail', although you don't actually flog with chain mail, it should be a dead thumping hit, and the cold chain dribbles down your back deliciously. If you actually flog with chain mail, it draws blood and leaves nasty welts.. (did I just digress?)
#Comment Re: made: 2006-01-27 21:33:58.749565+00 by:
A friend and I both got the Braided Australian Cat too. The small rubber ones are fun too....I'd be afraid of
the chain mail......
#Comment Re: made: 2006-01-28 20:53:55.335419+00 by:
Elk Skin--utilitarian all the way.
#Comment Re: made: 2006-01-28 22:45:16.767432+00 by:
Diane Reese
Elk Skin indeed.