Whedon speaks
2006-02-14 15:11:57.988799+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
I think that most of y'all who'd want to read this have already Joss Whedon speaks out about the future of television
In a stunningly cost-effective move, CBS will air How I Met Your Biological Mother, That Bitch, which is just old episodes of How I Met Your Mother with snarkier narration. HBO’s Westminster will continue the trend pioneered by Deadwood and Rome by making 19th-century England really dirty and weird, like Jane Austen with Tourette’s. (Actually, I can’t wait for that one.)
And, stolen from Borklog, here's a Serenity comic with actual muppets. Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4,
Part 5,
Part 6,
Part 7,
and Part 8.