2006-02-20 16:38:57.611892+00 by
Dan Lyke
MarkV looks at Michael Desmond's 10 reasons to upgrade to Windows Vista. The one thing that seems to be holding my dad back in his adoption of open source is the fact that doesn't allow search and replace operations to span paragraph boundaries, but our usage patterns have let us sidestep that. Aside from game players and the occasional vertical app, I'm running out of reasons to keep slopping money in the Microsoft
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#Comment Re: made: 2006-02-20 22:29:45.489582+00 by:
doesn't allow search and replace operations to span paragraph boundaries
Say what?? I've been using for years (before there even was an, and I've never experienced this. I just double-checked and search and replace across paragraphs seems to be working just fine (ver 1.1.2). Can you elaborate on what's happening to your dad?
#Comment Re: made: 2006-02-20 22:46:57.895522+00 by:
Dan Lyke
[edit history]
Sure. If "{p}" is a paragraph boundary, he wants to search for "the end.{p}The beginning" OOo can search for "the end.$" and "$The beginning" (although they might use "^The beginning"), but their regular expression engine can't span paragraph boundaries.
#Comment Re: made: 2006-02-21 01:18:17.36185+00 by:
[edit history]
Ah, I see now. Never encountered the need to do that myself. I assume MS Office
will do it?