Flutterby™! : They dared to 'follow the law' An extreme act of Obediance!

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They dared to 'follow the law' An extreme act of Obediance!

2006-03-06 15:41:31.286417+00 by ziffle 1 comments

Follow the actions of the playful crew: Andy, Ferril, Amanda, Kit, Jordan anna whitney as they Dare to follow the law!

Meditation on the Speed Limit

Oh the Humanity!


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#Comment Re: made: 2006-03-08 16:18:34.030922+00 by: Dan Lyke

When I was in high school the truckers who traveled I84 regularly were having a little tiff with the Connecticut State Police over the quantity and reasons given for tickets, and started doing this. Didn't last terribly long, and the cops backed down real fast.