Piled Higher and Deeper...
2006-04-03 06:30:43.406885+00 by ebradway 3 comments
It's official... I've accepted an offer to enroll in the Doctorate program of the Geography Department at the University of Colorado - Boulder starting this Fall. I am wrapping up my MS in GIS from Northwest Missouri State University as I write this (actually awaiting final comments on my thesis...).
What is most signficant about this is:
- I'm finally moving away from Chattanooga. I've watched many friends leave, Dan among them. Now it's my turn. Of course, this happens just as Chattanooga really starts to come into it's own.
- I'm advancing into the realms of education that folks around here usually lambast. I've been holding my tongue through recent debates about the efficacy of education. I now feel I can speak from both contra and pro perspectives and will be contributing an essay that I hope will clarify some of what higher education is about.
- Even though I will be working with an advisor who is in the top-tier of geographic information sciences, my PhD will decidedly NOT be in computer science. Maybe I'll finally get a life...