Something Microsoft Does Well
2006-05-16 18:52:34.601127+00 by ebradway 2 comments
I've been geeking over computers since the early days - when Compute! magazine ran cover articles like "Is 64K really just a status symbol?" Now I'm genuinely surprised when something makes me really excited - especially when it's a commonplace item like a mouse. I recently got a Microsoft Wireless Notebook Mouse 6000 and plugged it into my laptop. Because it has some new buttons, I went ahead and installed the driver. I usually prefer using the default OS driver and just ignore the bell-and-whistle buttons.
After 30 minutes of using the mouse (including the side-scroll wheel), I turned around to do something on my desktop PC. Suddenly the mouse that I have used every day for the past four years felt awkward and foreign! You really have to try it to see what I mean and I'm sure if you've been buying mice regularly, you won't notice the difference. But in this small arena, kudos to Microsoft.