Every Breath
2006-06-06 15:38:55.489622+00 by
Dan Lyke
What do you do if you think you'd be better as Chairman of the Federal Reserve than Ben Bernanke? Well, if you're R. Glenn Hubbard
, Dean of the Columbia Business School at Columbia University, you... make a music video to the tune of "Every Breath You Take" to state your case (Direct YouTube link).
Edit: dexev points out that it isn't really Hubbard, although Hubbard did enjoy the gag.
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#Comment Re: made: 2006-06-06 19:35:26.989394+00 by:
[edit history]
This is a fake
He was being impersonated by some students at the school.
(edit to fix link)
#Comment Re: made: 2006-06-06 19:50:36.703827+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Aw, man... It looked like Hubbard, although going back now I can see differences. And he took it well:
"He was on the ground laughing so hard" when he saw the video
a week ago at the school's "Follies," an annual show of
satirical skits, songs and videos, said Kiker, who was in
the audience as well. Hubbard "stood up after the video and
got a standing ovation, so it was cool. . . . The students
love him."
Hubbard, responding to a request for comment by e-mail,
wrote of his students, "I hope they will be as talented
at raising productivity growth as in video making!"
#Comment Re: made: 2006-06-07 02:21:04.79816+00 by:
If he took it well, then I'm really impressed with Hubbard. The video was pretty impressive, and I laughed. Anyone know more about what YouTube is using to encode those video's in Flash? (I know almost nothing about Flash..)