2006-07-18 16:55:34.128544+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
I mentioned that the MMWD wanted to build a new water tank, and that that process has been meeting opposition out in the San Geronimo Valley. So I got the report from the MMWD, read through it, found a bunch of other stuff online and elsewhere, and came to a nightmare scenario.
West Marin has a two million gallon storage capacity in an old railroad tunnel under White's Hill. West Marin uses between a million and a million and a half gallons of water a day. Worst case fire scenarios I've seen revolve around a fire getting going north of Sir Francis Drake, near Spirit Rock, and if there was a reasonable burn going and it jumped the road, Woodacre could be gone in under an hour.
So, I thought to myself, what happened if there were an extended power outage, that reserve ran down, and someone with a hot catalytic converter pulled off the road to look at the scenery?
Yesterday it was fairly hot. Northern California had record electricity usage. We had a power outage last night. MMWD is asking that all non-essential water use be curbed:
The Marin Municipal Water District this morning is asking its customers in Marin County to reduce water use today, as its primary water treatment plant in the San Geronimo Valley lost electrical power due to an outage that began Monday night.
I'm over at San Anselmo Coffee Roasters 'cause power is out at home, but on my way back over the hill I'm gonna be really really careful if I have to pull off the road. And I'm hoping nobody hucks a cigarette out a window.