2006-09-01 15:57:58.644583+00 by
Dan Lyke
A couple of food entries:
A visit to Hot Dougs:
There are those who would say that a meal at Charlie
Trotter's is a hard act to follow. Then there are
those (among whose number I count myself) who would
say that a meal at Hot Doug's is a
hard act to precede.
And although the duck fat fries there are apparently something to savor, a commenter points out horse fat fries.
Calling All Bloggers: Things to Eat Before You Die? gives a whole bunch of people's top 5s, but as I went down the list and looked at what of that I've had, I was reminded once again of how subjective an experience food is, and how much food is tied into the other rituals of our lives. Yes, Zachary's Pizza is awesome the first time, but now it's just another pizza option.
However, it is a fun exercise, so: 5 things?
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comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: made: 2006-09-01 16:53:50.460314+00 by:
- The bread pudding at Millenium in San Fran.
- Smashed potatoes and gravy at Rosetta's in Asheville, NC
- Fried chicken at Bea's (and you might not survive)
- Passion fruit on the beach in Costa Rica
- Eat only "live" foods for one week (and you might not die!)
#Comment Re: made: 2006-09-01 18:15:45.596174+00 by:
- Fried Chicken and the whole experience at Bea's.
- A real "dressed" Roast Beef Poor Boy.. dripping sauce, real toasted french bread..
- Grilled chicken from the roadside vendor in the middle of somewhere in the mountains of Mexico after cave exploring for 10+ hours. - or any other meal after burning 10+k calories.
- Iced Chai Latte, or your first coffee in the morning, Center Camp, Black Rock City, NV.
- Dinner at Palo's on the Diwney Wonder on your honeymoon and Gabby as your waiter (with Nancy).
#Comment Re: made: 2006-09-01 19:14:35.794857+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Yeah, I can get behind both Millenium (although the bread pudding, or most of the deserts, at the Station House Cafe in Point Reyes is pretty damned good) and Bea's. Talk about opposites. But I may also squeeze Chaco's Thursday meat loaf at the Coffee Shop in there along side Bea's.
And coffee at Burning Man is pretty good, but I'm going to have to go with the afternoon lounging under one of the domes on a carpet sipping nectarine smoothies. And they had the added bonus of the "you have a blender and ice?" reaction from the guy I got the nectarines from, and the "only Dan could go out in the mid day heat in the Black Rock Desert and come back with a case full of ripe nectarines on his shoulder" reaction from my camp mates.
A meal, accompanied by service from the wonderful Alya (sp?) at the late and very lamented Alfy's
in San Anselmo
. The food was always way tasty, and the service in general great, but she was absolutely over the top fantastic and meals with her looking out for us were just that much better.
A barbecue sandwich with hot slaw at that gas station and deli on Highway 64 in between the lower Ocoee and NOC outpost after a 4 trip day, or a couple of fast-food restaurant style packets of salt at the last rest stop on the Wine Country Century, in an attempt to keep those legs turning for just a few more miles.
#Comment Re: made: 2006-09-02 16:30:33.8696+00 by:
[edit history]
Warning, neither vegan nor vegetarian friendly, and probably would induce a heart-attack if you were to
eat them all at once, but what's life without a little danger, eh?
1 - Poutine québécoise. Say it as "Fries, cheese-curds and
gravy" and you'll get people turning up their noses. Say it with a snooty french accent, and it's suddenly
an elegant appetizer. Or not. Still tasty.
2 - Black crappie, caught, cleaned and cooked (breaded with
flour, egg, and saltine-cracker crumbs and then pan-fried) all within a few hours. Feh on using cod for
fish & chips.
3 - Cherry tomatoes, sugar peas, and carrots, fresh from the garden. Okay, one veg-friendly entry, but
these are all so good if all you do is pick 'em and rinse 'em, that they'll even sway a confirmed carnivore
like me.
4 - Whole Milk, still warm from the cow. Nearly impossible to get anymore unless you actually own a
dairy farm, but worth the effort. Shake the bottle up so you get a healthy amount of cream with the
5 - Nathan's Hot Dogs. They're among the best. Minimal
condiments required, as is right, since the dog is just darned good. And now they're available nation-
wide. Grilled over a low hardwood-charcoal fire, turned frequently until just wrinkled and lightly
browned all the way around, slapped into a wonder-bread hot-dog bun, wrapped in foil and let rest for
five minutes. Unwrap the foil, apply condiments (or not) and eat. Delicious.