Bump in the Cable
2006-09-22 14:55:21.22088+00 by ebradway 2 comments
Jerry Pournelle always spoke of the computer eventually becoming just a bump in the cable between the keyboard and the monitor. It's been a while since the limiting factor in designing laptops has been the size of the display, keyboard and batteries. But now I think the general-purpose computer is getting down there: GumStix has a new linux-based 200Mhz computer with 64MB of RAM, a Compact Flash slot and 10/100 ethernet that's quite a bit smaller than most network printer servers I've seen. I know 200Mhz and 64MB of RAM seems kind of paltry but when you consider that a scant 12 years ago, a web server for a medium-sized ISPs was quite a bit smaller. (BTW: Here's a fun list to feed your war-dialer!)