end of summer
2006-10-19 20:37:52.963823+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments
It looks like the last of summer's berries aren't going to ripen, or if they are will be shriveled little things, not worth picking. The massess of sweet juicy goodness amongst the prickers and poison oak along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard have been plucked, and the replacements aren't ripening with any speed.
One of the less attractive bits of living out here is that many of the denizens of the valley have a higher impact on the environment than they realize. Around this time of year the wood smoke starts to fill the canyon where we live and leave a hazy blue layer that at first smells quaint and rustic, but after a while is annoying and unhealthy.
And for some reason the yellow fade to green against the blue sky of this tree struck me.