2006-11-11 02:22:05.74092+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Spontaneous out-loud laughter: Mary "Arthur" Poppins: "Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis" (props to Brad at Must See HTTP:// for the find).
2006-11-11 02:22:05.74092+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Spontaneous out-loud laughter: Mary "Arthur" Poppins: "Supertelevangelistic sex-and-drugs psychosis" (props to Brad at Must See HTTP:// for the find).
[ related topics: Religion Drugs Humor Sexual Culture ]
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#Comment Re: made: 2006-11-12 11:44:49.249072+00 by: meuon [edit history]
Nancy and I read this two days ago, when you linked it. We sang it, laughing a lot while we did it. It's 6:42am, I wake up with Mary Poppins singing: Supertelevangelisticsexanddrugspsychosis" in my head.
Please make it stop. Please.