the future of product
2007-02-09 19:18:50.472756+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Got together with a friend this morning. Those of you who can read between the lines will probably figure out details, but I want to talk about this in abstractions for a moment. A lot of the discussion was about software process, and one of the things we talked about was why a particular monolithic and very popular application in his problem space wasn't appropriate to the tasks he had to deal with.
And the problem was that it was monolithic. A project existed in a single file that this application opened. There was no good way to do simultaneous development on that project, because that one app had that resource locked up.
He likened it to building a subdivision where each person goes to an address and builds a house, rather than having the foundation people go from location to location pouring concrete, to be followed by the framers, then the roofers and the interior folks can work simultaneously, meanwhile the foundation folks are on the third or fourth lot working on that problem.
I've also been musing recently about the trade-off between one-size-fits-all product, and custom parts, and how customization reduces value in general even while it increases value to a particular person.
So the room in product development, be that software or hardware, is in modularizing so that interoperability works better. I believe that consumers are finally waking up to the notion that lock-in removes value, and I think that this is one of the reasons that so much interesting software development these days is happening in web browsers, because those are a tremendously flexible environment.
Need to clarify these thoughts a bit, because most likely your response to this entry is "duh", and that it's either a set of obvious or stupid realizations, but I think that the next big layer of opportunity involves finding ways to scale customization, to undo some of the mass sameness that the assembly line and the industrial revolution imposed upon us and rework products into vertical slices that allow more personalization.