Hot Fuzz
2007-04-30 15:03:31.392014+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments
Charlene and I went to see Hot Fuzz last night with Chris and Doug and Carly, then out to the Golden Era Vegetarian restaurant for dinner. Both were good.
However, Hot Fuzz was no Shaun of the Dead
. There were a couple of things detracting from the movie, one was that the sound system at the AMC Van Ness was turned up loud enough that during the previews I got clipping and distortion once or twice, but overall it felt like great acting, a script that needed a little tuning, and editing that kept making me as "what'd they do that for?". And a little of the gratuitous gore was over the top.
Taken as a decent spoof of the cop movie genre it got a good bunch of laughs out of us, played with some of the stereotypes in good ways, and dealt with a fairly universal evil, at least one that exists in all small towns.