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[Looking down on Paradise lake] Taken: 2003-10-25 12:40:21+02
Photographer: Dan Lyke
Model Release: No information for this image
Tech Notes: Camera model : Canon EOS D60 / Flash used : No / Focal length : 17.0mm (35mm equivalent: 504mm) / CCD Width : 1.18mm / Exposure time : 0.006 s (1/180) / Aperture : f/9.5 / Metering Mode : matrix

Looking down to Paradise Lake from an outcropping below Basin Peak, in the northern Sierra, California, above the Pacific Crest Trail

To include this image in a Flutterby web page: <a href="/archives/photo.cgi?id=2694"><img src="/images/cdsa0012/crw_9234.md.jpg" width="617" height="411" alt="[Looking down on Paradise lake]" align="left"></a>

Sizes: 154 x 103 617 x 411 1543 x 1027

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