Flutterby™!: Images

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[] Taken: 2003-10-25 14:22:23+02
Photographer: Dan Lyke
Model Release: No information for this image
Tech Notes: Camera model : Canon EOS D60 / Flash used : No / Focal length : 17.0mm (35mm equivalent: 504mm) / CCD Width : 1.18mm / Exposure time : 0.008 s (1/125) / Aperture : f/8.0 / Metering Mode : matrix

Looking back up to the plateau below Basin Peak from near Paradise Lake, near the Pacific Crest Trail in the northern Sierra in California.

Although you can't really see the cliffs for the trees, this is a "We came down that?" shot.

To include this image in a Flutterby web page: <a href="/archives/photo.cgi?id=2706"><img src="/images/cdsa0012/crw_9249.md.jpg" width="411" height="617" alt="[]" align="left"></a>

Sizes: 103 x 154 411 x 617 1027 x 1543

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