Flutterby™!: John Peter Zenger

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This is my first attempt at trying to build a Wiki-like knowledge base on top of the Flutterby content management system.

This is a place for explanation, description and static links on a topic that's either too broad to be covered under a single link, or that you're just too lazy to find the real link to.

Entries are automatically generated.

by:Dan Lyke started: 2007-06-20 22:25:24.898865+02 updated: 2007-06-20 22:25:24.898865+02

Zenger was a printer in New York who was acquitted on "seditious libel" charges on August 5, 1735, because his defense lawyer asked the jury to judge the validity of the law.

His case is one of the classic examples of jury nullification.

See: the trial of John Peter Zenger,

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Dan Lyke
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