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Re: Who is the storyteller?

>When Todd and I and Steve sat down over beers and started to talk about
>creating an interactive storytelling universe, we thought we'd have little
>guardian angels who'd follow the characters around, look for potential
>story situations and try to influence the behavior of non-player
>characters and camera angles to create a story.

Although this might an impossible thought - who the hell needs camera's
anyways? <g>... In preparation for the HTML world I wanted to create, we
took a big look at what media we were going to have to use - we eventually
came up that Shockwave was probably going to be the best, with a tinge of
QuickTime in there - RealPlayer is too goodcomputer hungry to make it as
seen as neccessary.

Since I'm stuck in the whole rut of the HTML world as opposed to some sort
of standalone computer game world thing - it came to mind that

	a) people skim
	b) have short attention spans
	c) probably won't wait to download movies
	d) don't like load times.

Is it enough, then, to let the camera angles be all in the head of the
person? Of course, than we lose a very integral part of the "interactive"
moniker, but we gain an important asset: imagination.

>And just letting the characters go in a universe isn't any different than
>just letting them go in real life, except the graphics aren't as well

Heh, that's a funny line. There should be something to start the characters
off - any sort of emotional drama that first links the (I'll start using
the player and character ideas popularized by role playing games) player to
the character. Only then will there be that sort of inspiration to actually
accomplish something in the world.

Another idea we had with this HTML world/game was to grab information from
the player first - where they lived, if anyone died recently, some personal
information from them that would help us to make the story closer to
reality for them... again, that something that could be linked to.

I'll stop talking for now, cos like I said, I have a headcold and I don't
think I'll start to make much sense much longer.

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