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Re: Aha... another key concept

>Mage has 200 IQ, and the player never graduated high school, then MAYBE the AI
>should indicate to the player that casting a 20d6 fire ball in a 10x10 room is

Lord in heaven, have I seen THAT before, sheesh...

>My point is this:  If your Character understands the world enough to become
>10th level, then the Player should NOT think its OK to stand still when a 25th
>level monster turns the corner. EVEN if the player is eating a donut watching
>the X-files, the character should have a natural defense, and even AI reaction
>that would be similar to the HUMAN player (at home) reacting to a drug addict
>kicking in his computer room door.  Characters and people have natural and
>instinctual reactions.  Not all players will know what it takes to be a 25th
>level wizard.  Some of the players may not even care.  They just like the end
>result of being a 25th level wizard, and all the benefits that come with
>creating that character in a virtual world.

Well, we'd probably want to create some sort of standard on when the AI
kicks in for the player. Myself, if I find something interesting on TV
while I'm playing the game, I know I'm not going to turn on the AI every
two minutes, because that is when something interesting happens on TV.
There should be some automation, ie. if no readable text is on the screen,
and player activity is null for 45 seconds, than assume that a basis
"survival" AI kicks into effect. Anything that negatively affects said
character should be handled by the AI, and audibly "dong" so that the
player can get his ass back in the seat.

>like clicking my mouse like a meth addict while negotiating my way through a


>dungeon. Sure... I want to cast the spells, but some things should be
>automated (like in Diablo you can automate drinking mana potions, heal
>scrolls, etc.).  With a warrior~ all they do is hit things.  WHY do I have to
>click?  Can't I leave the room for a 1 minute stretch every 15 minutes without
>risking my 25th level warrior kings life?  He should be able to wade through
>low level combat like a god; call it game cruise control.

Definitely, I'll agree with that as well. This could automate the situation
that was happening in another thread: should the player roleplay our every
action of his character's life? Sure, we don't care about every single bite
of the character's date (to use that example), but we can set "get her to
bed" cruise control on, while we watch TV.

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